

An index acts as a benchmark that tracks the performance of a specific group of stocks or markets, offering a snapshot of how a particular segment is performing. Rather than monitoring individual stocks, traders can use indices to gauge the overall movement of the market or a specific sector. At IndexTrades, we provide access to a variety of international indices, including the UK FTSE, the US Dow Jones, the Hong Kong Hang Seng, and more. This extensive range allows traders to select the index that best fits their trading strategies and preferences.

Why trade indices with us?

Extensive Range of Indices: Access the largest selection of indices in the market, offering you diverse options to align with your trading strategies.

Instrument Spread
(in pips)
(up to)*
Trading Platform Lot Settings
(size of 1 lot)
Trading Platform Lot Settings
(Min. Trade)
Trading Hours
VIXX 0.1 1:25 1000 0.01 12:31-20:10
DollarIndex 0.05 1:100 1000 0.01 01:05-21:55
France40 2 1:50 100 0.01 07:01-20:59
DAX30 6 1:50 100 0.01 07:01-20:59
DAX30. 6 1:50 100 0.01 07:01-20:59
DOW30 9 1:100 100 0.01 23:01-21:15,
DOW30. 9 1:100 100 0.01 23:01-21:15,
NSDQ100 1,5 1:100 100 0.01 23:01-21:15,
FTSE100 2 1:50 100 0.01 08:01-20:59
S&P500 3 1:100 100 0.01 23:01-21:15,
S&P500. 3 1:100 50 0.01 23:01-21:15,
Russell2000 0.4 1:50 100 0.01 23:01-21:15,
Swiss 6 1:50 100 0.01 07:01-20:59
Spain35 7 1:50 100 0.01 08:05-18:55
HangSeng45 10 1:50 100 0.01 00:16-04:00,
Sydney200 4 1:50 100 0.01 22:52-05:30,
Amsterdam25 0.25 1:50 100 0.01 07:01-20:59
Japan225 15 1:50 100 0.01 23:01-21:15,
Europe50 2 1:50 100 0.01 07:01-20:59
Poland20 4 1:50 1000 0.01 07:51-15:59
India50 5 1:50 100 0.01 01:05-09:59
Italy40 48 1:50 2 0.01 08:01-16:39
Italy40. 48 1:50 100 0.01 08:01-16:39

Trading Conditions and Fees

Leverage: Leverage is estimated and varies based on the real-time value of the instrument.

Commission and Spread: We charge our commission through the spread, which is the difference between the current Buy and Sell prices. Due to market fluctuations, the spread may vary. IndexTrades does not receive commission, incentives, fee reductions, or rebates from any clearing firm.

Bitcoin Prices: Bitcoin prices are based on quotes from

Overnight Rollover Rates: Our company may adjust overnight rollover rates in response to changes in credit markets. The trading platform calculates overnight rollover at 21:00 GMT, with charges or credits applied to your account. On Wednesdays at 21:00 GMT, overnight rollover fees are tripled to account for the weekend.

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